2do: FEST is a series of events that displays traditional practices from both – rural and metropolitan areas. In confusion between art exhibition and event, customs of different communities will be examined. Feature of 2do:FEST is the cyclical recurrence and the sensual experience. In an experimental framework artworks, performances and the festive parts are merging. We will be eating and drinking along the way.

2do: FEST – copy to clipboard (AT)
Backshop / BRUNNENSTRASSE107, 13355 Berlin 
30 AUG  2024

Examines artistic works that never reached the deadline.

from 5PM / 6PM Talk by Henry Salfner/ 7PM Contest/ 8PM Music Amani Alquatrani
exhibtion: 31 August - 1 September  1pm - 6pm

Amani Alquatrani, Dean Annunziata, Johanna Ballweg, Alexandra Ittner, Felix Pötzsch, Ieva Raudsepa, Henry Salfner, Katharine Spatz, Raoul Zellien

2do: FEST –  we felt that we were left in limbo wondering what was happening
01 JULY  2023

from 4PM Exhibition + Fest 

Amani Alquatrani, Amelie Oriental, Dean Annunziata, Johanna Ballweg, Federico Braunschweig, Marcioz, Aiko Shimotsuma
2do: FEST  memories in a room
Schönhauser Allee 161A, 10435 Berlin
17 DEC  2022

Focusses on the process of memory formation and it’s permanent flexibility. This is an evening of collectively scanning through traditions, reorganizing our recollections and competing in dancing.​​​​​​

7PM Clarinette Play / 7.30PM Diashow / 8.30 Reading / 9.30PM Sound Installation / 10PM Dance Competition
Amani Gonzo, Friedrich Andreoni, Johanna Ballweg, Sophia Bernstein, Marie Grunwald, Olga Hohmann, Maximilian Schröder, Florian Seefeldt​​​​​​​